BMO Harris/1871

BMO Harris/1871

BMO Harris/1871



On Friday September 22nd, we had the privilege to present the SpringFour solution to top BMO Harris Bank executives. This was the culmination of the three-month partnership program in which SpringFour was one of six startups selected to participate. Read our blog about our inclusion in the program here.

We are proud to announce that we received third prize in the program, receiving $10,000.

See the article featuring the Program on Business Insider.

The program was a great experience for SpringFour, allowing us to engage deeply with our three mentors at BMO Harris. Each of our mentors were incredibly involved, believed in our mission, and worked hard with us to refine our value proposition, and how best we could potentially integrate with BMO Harris Bank.

Not only did we walk out of this experience with additional knowledge, but also great partners and a vision of future partnership with the Bank.

Katie Gottschall Donohue, Vice President, Strategy and Operations

SpringFour, Inc.

Awards and Recognition












Chicago Office at 1871
222 Merchandise Mart Plaza



SpringFour Chosen For WiSTEM

SpringFour Chosen For WiSTEM

SpringFour Chosen For WiSTEM

Chicago-based technology incubator 1871 hosts WiSTEM, a unique program designed to cultivate success and opportunities for women in technology. The 12 companies and their founders began a sixteen-week curriculum in September. Twelve women led companies, including SpringFour make up the third cohort of WiSTEM 1871’s “The fundamental goal of WiSTEM has always been to produce, support, and positively impact the lives of women entrepreneurs,” said 1871 CEO Howard A. Tullman. “WiSTEM has surpassed and continues to surpass these goals by cultivating an environment that balances business and community and fosters opportunities across a wide spectrum. We are excited to welcome this new cohort of women to WiSTEM and the 1871 community.”

A focus on fostering opportunity for women entrepreneurs in technology has been a key objective for 1871. As part of the WiSTEM effort, it is customary for 1871 to welcome women business leaders to share their stories with the entire community. United States Chief Technology Officer Megan Smith, FirstLady Diana Rauner, Springboard Ventures founder Kay Koplovitz, uBeam founder Meredith Perry, Vosges Haut-Chocolat founder Katrina Markoff, Women Impacting Public Policy (WIPP), and Digital Citizen Fund co-founder and CEO Roya Mahboobhave all recently visited 1871. 1871 has made it a point to connect with other women-led organizations such as Ms. Tech, Women Tech Founders and Lesbians Who Tech to create and host events centered around women entrepreneurs.Additionally, it was recently announced that 1871 would be the host location for Reboot Academy, an innovative organization that trains women for re-entry into the technology workforce.

“It has always been my mission to inspire and empower women entrepreneurs, ” says Vosges Haut-Chocolat founder Katrina Markoff. “The new cohort will undoubtedly help shape America’s culture, economy, and future at large.”

The members of the third WiSTEM class are:

Neurocern -Anitha Rao, MD, Co-Founder and CEO

Recordly – Anna Maikova,  Co-Founder, Yaryna Mykhyalyshyn, Co-Founder, Sintia Radu, Co-Founder

Wekaw – Angela Wang, Founder, and CEO

WeSolv – Stella Ashaolu, Founder, and CEO

ClassCrasher – Marylynne Schwartz, Founder + Ellena Berger, Co-Founder

TheSocReports – Carol Fowler, Co-Founder, and CEO

FetchFind – Jamie Migdal, Founder, and CEO

SpringFour – Rochelle Gorey, Co-Founder, and CEO

Taylored Wines – Rachel Portell, Founder, and CEO

Kaizen Health – Mindi Knebel, Founder, and CEO

VirtualKEY – Resha Shroff, Founder, and CSO

Olfactif – Tara Swords, Co-Founder, and CEO

Awards and Recognition












Chicago Office at 1871
222 Merchandise Mart Plaza

